fear of rats

How to tell if you have Musophobia, and what is it ?

How to tell if you have Musophobia, What A Rat Infestation Can Do to your Mental Health

Table of Contents

Believe me I understand, and no your not crazy, it’s actually pretty common. Roof Rats can be big scary rat, the scratching in the ceiling, or walls, late at night, when it’s dark, and we echo the sentiment that the only good rat is a dead rat.

But its real, something is up there, its more than likely rats in attic, but stick with me it will get less scary.

Its commonly called Musophobia

Musophobia is also known as Suriphobia and Murophobia (murine stems from the Muridae family that encompasses mice and rats) .

Musophobia is created by the unconscious as a protective mechanism. This mechanism was probably created as some point in the persons past when they had a traumatic experience with a mouse or different types of rats. Examples of this could be having your house or room invaded by them, finding them eating your food, being surprised when they jump from a trash can, touching them while getting up as they run from under furniture, smelling them, or getting sick from them (The Black Plague in Europe was carried by rats). There are hundreds of ways people could have developed their traumatic experience.

This fear could be triggered by the presence of a mouse or rat in a room or store, seeing them on TV or in movies, someone joking about them, or smelling them. These are only a few possible examples. Everyone experiences their fears in different ways and intensity levels and some react in different ways, such as screaming, running to different rooms, and/or getting to higher ground.

As with any phobia, the symptoms vary by person depending on their level of fear. The symptoms of Musophobia typically include extreme anxiety, dread and anything associated with panic such as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking.


where does a phobia of mice and rats from?

A phobia of mice and rats is an intense, debilitating, and overwhelming fear. The fear of encountering a mouse or rat, thoughts about mice and rats, or even seeing pictures and videos of them is so severe that it creates exaggerated feelings of danger towards mice and rats. A phobia of mice and rats is categorized as an anxiety disorder and consequently results in elevated feelings of anxiety about rats and mice.

A phobia of mice or rats may occur due to experiencing a traumatic and altering situation where a negative event occurred due to a mouse or rat. Having been exposed to other individuals’ fear of rats may cause a deeper-rooted phobia. Being around people who have acted negatively towards a mouse or rat may cause a negative response to being learned, which can manifest into a phobia. Mice and rats are commonly associated with negative elements in everyday life and through media, even though they are mostly harmless. It is common for mice and rats to be portrayed as carriers of disease, and pests that have strong connections to contamination and dirty places. These negative associations may cause a phobia to arise. Studies have shown that phobias can be passed on genetically. So, if someone in your family has a phobia of rats, there is a chance you could inherit one too.

Musophobia is a very common phobia affecting homeowners throughout the Texas and the rest of the United States. Where some people, keep them as pets, but people with musophobia tend to think they are filthy, disease ridden carriers of death and they smell like pirates. http://www.fearof.net/fear-of-mice-phobia-musophobia/  has this to say about why:

  1. Rats and mice are known carriers of pathogens. They are also infamous in history for spreading the Black Plague which wiped away large chunks of the human population. In general, they are known to dwell in sewers, drainages and dark, wet or dirty places. Rats are also known to carry fleas and other parasites that harm not just humans but pets as well.

  2. Wild rats and rodents are not welcome guests in human homes, so they tend to hide in cracks and crevices found around pantries, kitchens and other places having an abundant storage of food. Naturally, they might spring on unsuspecting individuals and startle them.

  3. Like most animal phobias, the fear of mice also stems, usually, from a negative or traumatic experience with rats. Incidents in childhood where a rat has bitten a child or loved ones can also trigger this phobia.

  4. Humans are conditioned from childhood to fear wild rats and rodents. An adult, parent or caregiver, might have been startled by a rat and screamed or climbed up on a chair. Children unknowingly learn to imitate this behavior and the occasional fright triggers an anxiety response that might turn into lifelong phobia of rats and mice.

  5. Popular culture depicts these creatures in negative light: cartoons (Tom and Jerry), books (Pied Piper of Hamilton), movies, and TV shows etc show stereotypical traits about them. Typically: a rat scares the woman protagonist who jumps and climbs up screaming on a chair/table. (Despite these stereotypes, Musophobia actually affects both genders equally.)

As for the symptoms they conclude: (read full article here)

mouse phobia symptoms

The symptoms of Musophobia vary depending on the extent of fear the phobic experiences. Just like any other Zoophobia, the fear of mice typically triggers physical and mental symptoms which include:

  • Screaming, crying, climbing on beds or tables/chairs

  • Trying to flee

  • Shaking, trembling, and sweating profusely.

  • Having accelerated heartbeat, breathing rapidly or gasping

  • Feeling nauseated, vomiting or having other signs of gastrointestinal distress

Musophobes might experience anxiety/panic attacks at the mere mention of mice, or even from watching them feeding on trash, or in pictures, on TV etc.


There is no question as to if it exist and you are not alone. But as crazy as it sounds, those rats would rather play with you then bite you. We have a great article written about the dangers of them on our website you can read by clicking here.
But if you need rat removal in any of these areas let us know and we will be quick to help as our schedule permits.

Musophobia synonyms, musophobia pronunciation, musophobia translation, english dictionary definition of musophobia.The fear of encountering a mouse or rat, thoughts about mice and rats, or even seeing pictures and videos of them is so severe that it creates exaggerated feelings of danger towards mice and rats and negatively affects your daily life - dictionary 2023

How do you over come musophobia ?

Musophobia, also known as a fear of mice or rats, is a common phobia that can cause significant anxiety and stress for those who experience it. If you are struggling with musophobia, there are several strategies that you can try to help overcome your fear:

  1. Educate yourself about mice and rats: Often, fear of mice and rats is based on misinformation or lack of knowledge about these animals. Learning more about their biology, behavior, and how they live can help you understand that they are not as frightening or dangerous as you may think.

  2. Expose yourself gradually to mice and rats: One way to overcome a phobia is to gradually expose yourself to the thing you are afraid of. This can be done through virtual reality therapy or by visiting a zoo or wildlife center where you can observe mice and rats from a safe distance.

  3. Practice relaxation techniques: When you are feeling anxious or afraid, it can be helpful to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation. These techniques can help calm your body and mind and make it easier to face your fear.

  4. Seek support: It can be helpful to talk to a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, about your phobia. They can provide you with additional strategies and support to help you overcome your fear.

  5. Try to change negative thoughts: Our thoughts can have a big impact on how we feel. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about mice and rats, try to reframe them in a more positive way. For example, instead of thinking "mice are dirty and carry diseases," try thinking "mice are small and generally avoid humans."

Remember, overcoming a phobia takes time and practice. It's important to be patient with yourself and recognize that it's okay to take small steps and progress at your own pace.

469-609-RATS !