do squirrels hibernate ?

Most squirrels are tree squirrels so they don’t hibernate. Click here to read Are Squirrels Rodents ?
Slow down their metabolism in the colder months and lower their internal body temperature, to save energy when food is so scarceGrow a winter coat and tufts on their ears to stay warmHuddle together in nests when it gets very coldDifferent squirrels are nocturnal, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day. In summer and fall these squirrels are usually out of their nests all night to look for food and gather food for winter. But in winter, flying squirrels usually leave their nests only when the sun rises and when it sets.
If it gets very cold outside, some squirrels will stay in a group in their nest, and will go into a light hibernation and inactivity, at least until things warm up again.
Some ground squirrels hibernate in winter, but not all of them do and not all of them go into the same state of hibernation. In fact, sometimes ground squirrels of the same species have different hibernation behaviors.
For example, Texas ground squirrels hibernate sometimes but males usually come out of hibernation two weeks earlier than females. Squirrels that live in warmer areas often don’t hibernate at all. Click here to read about The Lifespan of a squirrel.
Squirrels grow a thicker coat and bushier tail in winter to keep themselves warm. Some squirrels even grow long tufts or clumps of hair on their ears for extra warmth. In summer, a squirrel’s coat thins out and disappears.