There are typically 6-8 rats in a nest, so having over 8 rats means you have multiple nesting sites, hence the term rat infestation. With that being said, its hard to count what you cant see.
The most obvious sign of a rat infestation, being seeing living roof rats, rats prefer and have become expert hiders, as the saying goes “eyes on the side run and hide” if rats are observed in plain sight, sorry for your bad news, you probably have a Rat Infestation, as we mentioned before just because you have 2 rats in attic doesn’t mean you have an infestation, no matter how much of a mess they may have made.


Droppings - Usually, the first clue of a serious rodent problem is their droppings on the kitchen counter, in kitchen drawers and cabinets, or in the pantry. Look for mouse droppings in utility closets, attics, garages and basements. Mouse droppings are smooth with pointed ends, and are 1/8-inch to ¼-inch long. Rat droppings are pellet-shaped, blunt at both ends, about the size of an olive pit, and shiny black. They soon fade to gray-white. Droppings are randomly scattered, but normally close to rodent runways, feeding areas, or near shelter. click here to read our blog to help you identify rodent feces

Tracks - Rodent tracks can be observed in mud, dust or bare dirt. Often, rodent tails also leave a mark. In the house, mouse tracks can be seen on dusty surfaces. You can also check for mouse tracks by dusting suspected areas with a light coating of unscented talcum powder or chalk dust. Wait a day and then shine a flashlight across the area. If there are small tracks in the powder, mice have been there.

Gnawing - Rats must chew continuously to wear down their incisor teeth. Look for holes in walls or ceilings, and trails in crawl spaces, behind or under cupboards, counters, bathtubs, shower stalls, or near hot water heaters or furnaces.

Burrows - Burrows can be found along ditches, walls, or fences, and under buildings, rubbish, low vegetation, woodpiles or concrete slabs.
Runways - Rats follow the same routes as they make their rounds foraging for food each night. In doing so, they leave 2-inch wide runways in the dirt or grass, usually next to buildings or fences.

Grease marks - Greasy rub marks are caused by a rat's oily fur repeatedly coming in contact with walls or entrance holes.

What does rat poop look like ?

What does mouse poop look like ?

What does squirrel poop look like ?

What does raccoon poop look like ?

Urine stains - Urine stains are more easily observable under a black light.

Nests - Mouse nests can be found in utility closets, attics, garages, and basements. They are usually made of cloth or shredded paper, lined with finely shredded material. 

Partially eaten food - Mice leave behind partially eaten food. While rats eat most of the food they find, even they leave telltale signs, like shells or other finding.

Live or dead rodents - People usually see mice only when they have been sitting stock still, such as when reading or watching television. Rats are nocturnal, but in areas having large rat populations some low ranked rats will forage during the day, because they have been denied access to food at night. If you see rats during the day, it is a sign of a substantial infestation.

Sounds - While you may not be able to see them, you can probably hear rodents moving after dark. If your pet paws at a wall or cabinet it may be trying to get at a lurking rodent.

Odors - Often you can smell rodent urine or their musky odor, especially in a poorly ventilated room

Just keep in mind, all of these signs may appear in the same areas, or they may be found in separate areas, but finding them in the same or separate areas does not lesson the underlying problem plaguing your house. Rodents breed quickly, and population control is a must in reestablishing rodent control on your property.

Rodents Infestations pose significant health risks and can result in infections amungnst your family and pets with a variety of diseases. Rat infestations are not uncommon in highly populated areas, they have to hide some where.

The Most Effective Rodent Control To Prevent A Rodent Infestation

To effectively prevent rodent infestations, maintain a clean and clutter-free environment in your home or business. Store food in tightly sealed containers, empty trash bins regularly, and keep attics dry and organized. Moreover, block any gaps or openings on the building's exterior with steel mesh or caulk to deter rodents from entering.

Periodically examine your home or business for indicators of rodent presence, including droppings, damaged wires and wood, or gnawed holes in walls and floors. If you detect any of these signs, take swift action. While traps and baits may help capture or kill individual rodents, the most effective approach to eradicating a rodent infestation is through an integrated pest management program. This strategy combines various control methods, such as exclusion, trapping, sanitation, and chemical treatments, to achieve optimal results.
A thorough rodent control strategy involves appropriate sanitation, proper roofing/exclusion measures, and the use of traps or poison baits when needed. Good sanitation practices entail consistently removing food sources and nesting materials in and around your home, as well as sealing potential rodent entry points. Exclusion methods involve blocking all possible access routes for rodents, including cracks in walls, holes in foundations, and gaps around windows and doors. Lastly, only resort to trapping or using poison baits if it's essential to decrease the rodent population.







Rats are very social animals, and usually develop very large populations, given time, sometimes hierarchy develops, a survival of the fittest mentality if you will, Stronger more dominant rats will take over.
When a female rat is in heat, several male rats mate with her to insure her pregnancy.

Rats exhibit nesting behavior when by chewing wires and gathering nesting material to protect their babies from being threatened by the world outside your house. They may fight to leave but its possible to get rid of rats in your attic and home.

Rats are capable of living in any environments if there is an animal present a rat isnt far behind, rats can even live in places inhabitable by humans, they are considered a commensal rodent.

Rats travel about a football fields length a day, in their established paths looking for food. This is important information in how to trap a rat.

These are largely found in attics, beneath first and second floor, in walls, in your crawl space, and other infrequently visited places in your home .

rat infestation

Rats are fairly opportunistic feeders. They will eat other dead rats and animals, vegetation, and fallen fruit and nuts. Human provide them an abundance of food, and when living near humans, the availability of foods will drive a rodent's habits. 

Some rat species may perfer certain foods. 
Norway rats often prefer foods high in protein such as meat scraps or pet food. 
Roof rats usually prefer fruit, people in the past have called them fruit rats. 

The rat's sense of smell registers not only average scents, but also the presence of chemicals that denote a change in atmosphere or emotion. Rats breathe first through their noses. Air then passes past a patch of skin rich with smell receptors and olfactory neurons, which are tipped with hair-like cilia. Smell particles, also known as odorants, bind to the cilia, triggering a neural response.

Rats also have a second smell organ, called the vomeronasal organ, or VNO. The VNO is set in a thin, ovoid space in the lower portion of the nasal passage, beside the septum. When rats sniff and taste, scent molecules dissolve and make their way to the VNO receptor. The VNO is used primarily to detect pheromones transmitted between two or more members of the same rat species. These pheromones are present in scat, urine and glandular secretions of rats and are detected through sniffing or licking. per Wikipedia

Norway rats, or brown rats, or sewer rats, are identifiable by their stocky, gray-brown bodies. Their tails are shorter than their body length and their ears and eyes are small relative to their body. Norway rats are larger than other rats.

Roof rats, or black rats, are super fast, great climbers, make great pets, and nest above ground, in trees and you guessed it your attic. Sometimes roof rats will infest your shrubs, trees and dense vegetation. in residential areas, they seek out secure, elevated places such as attics, walls, ceilings, crawl spaces, cars and cabinets. BUT i have seen a bunch living in an air conditioner a few times also. Rats are very invasive.

Rats are much larger than mice. Sometime young rats can sometimes be mistaken for mice, they can be distinguished by their disproportionately long feet and oversized head. Both rodents are capable of chewing through hard, wooden surfaces, but rat teeth marks are much larger than those of mice.

Rat infestations are a common problem for homeowners and businesses alike. These unwelcome guests can cause significant damage, spread diseases, and create an uncomfortable environment. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the causes, signs, and dangers of rat infestations, as well as offer practical solutions to prevent and eradicate these pests. By following these strategies, you can maintain a clean, safe, and rat-free space.

The Roots of Rat Infestations Rat infestations can occur for a variety of reasons. Understanding these causes can help you better prevent and manage these unwanted visitors.

Accessible Food Sources Rats are opportunistic feeders, attracted to areas with easily accessible food sources. This can include:

  • Unsealed food containers

  • Open garbage cans

  • Pet food dishes

  • Compost piles

Shelter and Nesting Rats seek out warm, secure spaces to nest and reproduce. They are drawn to areas that provide cover and protection, such as:

  • Cluttered storage areas

  • Overgrown vegetation

  • Insulation in walls and attics

  • Gaps in building structures

Nearby Rodent Populations The presence of nearby rodent populations can increase the likelihood of a rat infestation. Factors that may contribute to this include:

  • Neighboring properties with poor sanitation

  • Construction or demolition in the area

  • An established rat population in the vicinity

Warning Signs of a Rat Infestation Identifying the signs of a rat infestation is crucial for early intervention and prevention. Keep an eye out for the following indicators:

Droppings Rat droppings are one of the most obvious signs of an infestation. These small, dark pellets can be found near food sources and nesting areas.

Gnaw Marks Rats have strong teeth that allow them to chew through various materials. Look for gnaw marks on food packaging, wooden structures, and electrical wires.

Tracks and Runways Rats often create well-worn paths as they travel through an area. You may notice grease marks, footprints, or tail marks along walls and baseboards.

Noises Rats are nocturnal creatures and can often be heard scurrying and scratching within walls, attics, and crawlspaces during the night.

The Dangers of Rat Infestations The presence of rats in your home or business can pose serious risks to your health and property.

Disease Transmission Rats are known carriers of various diseases, including leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis. These illnesses can be transmitted through rat bites, contact with urine or feces, or consumption of contaminated food.

Structural Damage Rats can cause significant structural damage to buildings as they gnaw through wood, insulation, and wiring. This can lead to costly repairs and even increase the risk of electrical fires.

Contamination Rats can contaminate food and surfaces with their urine, feces, and fur, leading to an unhygienic environment.

Combating Rat Infestations: Prevention and Control Taking proactive measures can help you prevent and manage rat infestations effectively.

Sanitation Maintaining a clean environment is crucial in preventing rat infestations. This includes:

  • Sealing food in airtight containers

  • Regularly disposing of garbage

  • Cleaning up pet food dishes

  • Removing clutter and debris from your property

Rat-Proofing Your Property Take steps to make your property less attractive to rats by:

  • Sealing gaps and openings in walls, doors, and windows

  • Installing door sweeps and weatherstripping

  • Trimming overgrown vegetation around your property

  • Regularly inspecting for signs of rat activity

Traps and Baits Using traps and baits can be an effective way to control a rat infestation:

  • Snap traps: These can be baited with peanut butter, bacon, or fruit to lure and catch rats.

  • Live traps: Capture rats without causing harm, allowing for their relocation.

  • Rodenticides: These toxic baits should be used with caution, as they can pose risks to pets and wildlife.

Professional Pest Control In cases of severe infestations or if DIY methods are unsuccessful, consider hiring a professional pest control company to handle the situation. They can provide expert advice and solutions to eliminate the infestation and prevent future occurrences.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if I have a rat infestation?

Signs of a rat infestation include droppings, gnaw marks, tracks, and noises coming from within walls, attics, or crawlspaces. If you notice any of these indicators, it's essential to take action immediately.

Can rat infestations cause health problems?

Yes, rats can transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis. They can also contaminate food and surfaces with their urine, feces, and fur, leading to an unhygienic environment.

What can I do to prevent rat infestations?

Prevent rat infestations by maintaining a clean environment, sealing gaps and openings in your property, trimming overgrown vegetation, and regularly inspecting for signs of rat activity. You may also use traps and baits to control rat populations.

Rat infestations can pose significant health risks and cause extensive damage to your property. By understanding the causes, signs, and dangers of rat infestations, you can take effective measures to prevent and control these unwelcome guests. Maintain a clean environment, rat-proof your property, and use traps or baits when necessary to keep your space safe and rat-free. If you encounter a severe infestation, don't hesitate to consult with a professional pest control company for expert assistance.

Custom Rodent Removal Plan

When Rapid Rodent Removal is also a roofing company , and Wildlife Experts, thats who we send out to your home, he doesn't come with a one-size-fits-all plan to offer you. Our Experts will conduct a thorough Home Inspection of your attics, crawl spaces, and exterior of your house in order to assess the problem and find possible solutions. We will take into account all presenting evidence found in and around your home and factor in your reports of sounds, smells, sightings, etc., in order to formulate a Custom Rodent Removal Plan that includes:

  • Resolving the Wildlife Problem

  • Sanitizing and Deodorizing Your Home

  • Repairing any damage to wires, ducts, interior walls, insulation, etc.

  • Preventing future issues by sealing up any possible entry points on the exterior of your home

  • Providing Customer Education throughout the entire process to empower you to maintain rodent control on your property

Here's a look into the mind of our experts and a sneak peek at what you will see when they arrive at your door:

Rapid Rat Removal Audit
Rapid Rodent Removal Exclusion

Crawl space? Challenge Accepted!